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Physical Gold Trading and Bullion Dealers: Understanding the Market

Physical Gold Trading and Bullion Dealers: Understanding the Market

Gold has been a popular investment option for centuries, and its value has held up well in times of economic uncertainty. In this article, we will explore the factors that drive the price of gold and the role of physical gold trading and bullion dealers in the market.

Determinants of Gold Prices

There are several factors that can affect the price of gold, including:

  1. Value of the U.S. dollar: Gold is a dollar-denominated asset, which means its value is priced in U.S. dollars. When the value of the dollar decreases, the value of gold increases, and vice versa.
  2. Demand for gold: Gold demand is another factor that can influence prices, and a few industries directly affect interest in buying the precious metal.
  3. Jewelry-driven demand: Jewelry is one of the most common ways people know how to buy gold. As the demand for jewelry increases, so too can the price of gold.
  4. Demand from gold exchange-traded funds (ETFs): Gold ETFs invest in gold bullion or the companies that mine gold. These ETFs combine some of the best benefits of investing, offering both broad industry exposure and the stability of gold.
  5. Demand for industrial applications: Gold is used for numerous industrial and production applications, including electronics, healthcare, and space exploration. If demand increases in the industries that use significant amounts of gold, the value of gold can increase alongside that demand as more is needed to produce goods and complete services that rely on the precious metal.
  6. Gold production: Gold is a finite resource, making it increasingly more difficult and expensive to prospect and mine physical gold. As demand outpaces supply, its price increases.
  7. Interest rates: The relationship between interest rates and gold prices is a bit complicated. In general, they have an inverse relationship. Therefore, gold prices rise as interest rates fall, and gold prices fall as interest rates rise.
  8. Geopolitical factors: Geopolitical factors may have a positive effect on gold pricing, which means that the value of gold will move in the same direction as geopolitical tension. Since gold is seen as a safe-haven asset, investors may turn to it during worrisome times in an attempt to protect their money from the fallout of conflict. Therefore, when geopolitical tensions flare, gold values may increase.

Physical Gold Trading and Bullion Dealers

Physical gold trading and bullion dealers play a crucial role in the gold market. They are responsible for buying and selling physical gold bars and coins, as well as providing financial services to their clients.

Bullion dealers are typically large companies that operate on a global scale. They purchase gold from mining companies, refiners, and other sources and then sell it to investors, both institutional and individual. Bullion dealers also provide a range of financial services to their clients, including gold storage, insurance, and loan services.

Physical gold trading is a more specialized field that involves buying and selling gold bars and coins on the spot market. Physical gold traders are typically smaller companies that focus on buying and selling gold in small quantities. They may also provide financial services to their clients, such as gold storage and insurance.

The Proposed Trading in India

India has been considering the introduction of a spot physical gold exchange product, Electronic Gold Receipt (EGR), as a way to facilitate the trading of physical gold. EGRs are like depository gold receipts traded on the stock exchanges and held in demat accounts, just like shares. The buyer of EGRs has the option to trade them further on the exchange platform or convert them into physical gold by surrendering them at the designated vaults.

However, the proposal has been met with opposition due to taxation issues. Once imported into India, gold bars cannot be moved out of the bank vault or traded without paying a GST of three per cent. This has made the proposal a non-starter, as the taxation would significantly reduce the profitability of the product.


Gold has been a popular investment option for centuries, and its value has held up well in times of economic uncertainty. The factors that drive the price of gold are complex and interconnected, and understanding how they interact is crucial for successful investing. Physical gold trading and bullion dealers play a crucial role in the gold market, buying and selling physical gold bars and coins, as well as providing financial services to their clients. The proposed trading in India's first spot physical gold exchange product, Electronic Gold Receipt (EGR), remains a non-starter due to taxation issues.


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